
What is it all about?

What is TriviaPlus?

Do you like to quiz, but are aggravated by Bling Bling apps, banal fact-finding and "celebrities"? That's how I feel. I want to set up a quiz app that doesn't ask questions like "When was color television introduced in Germany?" - but instead asks questions of relevance that help us move forward.

Join the Community

Many questions with detailed answers already exist. I would be very happy if you send me your questions! Because TriviaPlus lives from the community. If Quiz, then please on high level, right? And everyone knows something interesting. If your question is suitable, it will be published on TriviaPlus.

In Practice

TriviaPlus asks questions on socio-cultural topics, history, technology and science. What counts is not choosing the right answer from options, but the question in connection with the - mostly - unexpected answer. The answer is followed by the detailed background information and the clickable source (Wikipedia, online publications, etc. ...).

Booster Phase 

TriviaPlus is in the starting phase. The project is in competition with German Public TV-Broadcasters that publish a variety of quiz apps. Against this highly subsidized competition, TriviaPlus has to assert itself with highly interesting and unusual questions / answers / background information. Heeeeelp!

TriviaPlus :: Mattino Bartsch :: Friesickestraße 25 :: 13086 Berlin :: Tel.: 030 20003399 ::
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